How Many Times Have You Said, "I wish I could quit ____?"
Eating Sugar?
Biting your nails?
The list goes on.
The truth is that most of us desire to quit these bad habits and addictions, but when the going gets tough, we fall right back into the old routine.
I have cracked the code on quitting to the point that quitting is now the easiest thing for me to do.
Some things I have quit:
Smoking, binge-eating, sugar, internet scrolling, Candy Crush - playing that game on my computer, and so much more.
Becoming aware of personality traits that could be tweaked, such as gossiping, judging, blaming, and many more. I like the saying, "If you spot it, you got it." Typically, what we notice in another is true with ourselves.
Get my book, "You CAN QUIT ANYTHING!" - A simple 'how to' to change your life today and begin living your greatest at any age."
How to Work with Me:
Get a Breakthrough Consultation
Apply for free consultation at
If you would like to schedule a private breakthrough session, strategy session, I would love to meet you!
Another way to work with me is to Schedule a 30 minute private Tapping Session and get to the root of the issue, problem or behavior you want to quit.

Schedule a Tapping Session. I am now offering a quick way to work with me and get instantaneous results. I call these sessions TAPPING SNACKS. Instead of reaching for a cookie, reach for a TAPPING SNACK! Just 30 minutes over the phone or on a Zoom Virtual Call is all it takes to quickly make a change.

Rose Black, Personal Success Coach
Certified EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner
Owner of Winning Changes